Bella was always a curious cat, but as she grew older and wiser in her nearly two human cat years, she had learned a few tricks that she could use to her advantage. One of these was her black fur, which she realised made her an expert in hiding in the shadows.

Whenever she felt the need to go unnoticed, Bella would simply slink into the darkness and blend in with her surroundings. She had become so skilled at it that even Scott, her human, had trouble spotting her sometimes.

But one day, as Bella was perusing Scott's research on his laptop, she stumbled upon an interesting fact: blue was an even better colour for camouflaging in shadows than black.

Bella was intrigued by this new discovery and decided to put it to the test. She knew that even the stealthiest of shadow hider cats couldn't have blue fur, so she was sure that this would give her an edge.

She set out to find something blue to wrap around herself, and after scouring the house, she finally came across a roll of blue ribbon tape in the junk drawer. She carefully wrapped it around her body, making sure that every inch of her was covered in blue.

As she made her way into the shadows, she was amazed at how well the blue tape worked. She was practically invisible, and even Scott couldn't find her when he went looking for her.

Feeling emboldened by her newfound camouflaging skills, Bella decided to put them to the test. She snuck up on Billy, her parakeet companion, and watched as he chirped away, completely unaware of her presence.

But just as she was about to pounce, Billy turned around and spotted her.

"Ha! Nice try, Bella," he said, chirping with amusement. "You may have thought you were invisible, but you forgot one thing: your tail!"

Bella looked down and saw that her tail was still black. She let out a frustrated hiss, realising that she had been foiled by her own anatomy.

Despite her setback, Bella refused to give up on her camouflaging skills. She continued to experiment with different materials and colours, determined to become the ultimate shadow hider.

And as she sat in the shadows, watching Scott and Billy go about their day, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She was a cat, after all, and being sneaky was in her nature.

As the day drew to a close, Bella curled up in her favourite spot and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of all the new ways she could use her camouflaging skills in the future.

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