Motion Pictures - TV Shows: The Persuaders!

"The Persuaders!" is a British action/adventure television series that aired from 1971 to 1972. The show follows two playboys, Danny Wilde (played by Tony Curtis) and Lord Brett Sinclair (played by Roger Moore), as they team up to solve various crimes and mysteries around the world.The show was created by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman, who had previously worked together on other popular British series such as "The Saint" and "Gideon's Way."

Danny Wilde (played by Tony Curtis)

Danny Wilde (played by Tony Curtis)

"The Persuaders!" was notable for its international setting, with each episode taking place in a different location around the world.

The chemistry between Curtis and Moore was a major highlight of the show, with their characters often engaging in playful banter and witty one-liners. The show also featured a catchy theme song composed by John Barry, who was known for his work on the James Bond films.

Despite its popularity, "The Persuaders!" only lasted for one season, but it has since gained a cult following and is still remembered as one of the defining action/adventure shows of the 1970's.

If you're a fan of classic television or enjoy lighthearted adventure stories, "The Persuaders!" is definitely worth checking out.

Motion Pictures - TV Show: The Persuaders!

Motion PIctures - TV Show

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