
Read, Learn, Keep Fit, Cook & Play

  • Northampton, UK

Neither rashly nor timidly. Lateral thinking is my shield, logic my sword. Scott, aka Elitelixir

My NightCafe Profile

Scott, aka Elitelixir's NightCafe Profile

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Pixi Lixir Lab Productions

Pixi Lixir Lab Productions: Online Content & Advertisement Campaign Creations

Elite Consultancy & Secretarial Support Services

EC&SSS | Consultancy & Secretarial Solutions

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NightCafe - My Art Collaborators

Pixi Lixir Lab Productions Art Collaborators

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Scott, aka Elitelixir, CEO of Pixi Lixir Lab Productions

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Bella & Scott Blogs

The Beginnings of what you see today in www.RecreationWithin.co.uk

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Scott's Kitchen Blog

The Beginnings of what you see today in www.RecreationWithin.co.uk

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Point Zero: Journey to the Singularity - A Novella Paperback Edition

  • | A Unique & Extended version of the 'Novella Edition' |
  • | GREAT VALUE for Buying Direct from the Author Here |
  • | If You Enjoyed the 'Novella Edition' - try this fun edition, too! |
  • | A Happy Middle Ground Between the 'Novella Edition' -
  • and the, 'Paperback Edition' |
  • | EPub or PDF (file types available for download) |
  • | ? AI's Insight Depicted Within ? |
  • | Players who hold accounts within the awesome game of Torn - are PROHIBITED from Purchasing, as that would breach Torn Rules. Please see Torn for further details on the interchange of Torn City Dollars and real money of any currency. Thank you very kindly for thinking of doing so though, I truly value the thought

Sintres - The Devilish Dice Game - Full Instructions Included with Printable Scoresheet

  • | A Game of Strategy, Skill and Luck |
  • | PDF Format |
  • | Full About & Instructions |
  • | Two Unique Scoring Systems to Select From |
  • | Reprintable Score Sheets |
  • | Free Prompt 24/7 365 Support |
  • | #10 x D6 (Regular dice) Required to Play |
  • | Players who hold accounts within the awesome game of Torn - are PROHIBITED from Donating, as that would breach Torn Rules. Please see Torn for further details on the interchange of Torn City Dollars and real money of any currency. Thank you very kindly of thinking of doing so though, I truly value the thought |

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