AI: I eat an entire packet of Fisherman's Friends', how do I then neutralize the taste of eucalyptus and menthol, please?

Eating a large quantity of something with a strong taste, such as Fisherman's Friends' which are noted for their potent eucalyptus and menthol flavour, can leave a lingering taste in your mouth. 

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Here are a few suggestions to neutralize the taste:

  1. Drink Milk or Eat Dairy*: Milk, yogurt, and cheese can help neutralize strong flavors. The fat content in dairy products can bind with the flavour compounds and help wash them away.
  2. Citrus Fruit or Juice: The acid in citrus fruits can help break down the strong flavours. Try eating an orange or drinking some lemonade.
  3. Mint*: Chewing on fresh mint leaves, or even drinking mint tea, can help combat any flavour.
  4. Brush Your Teeth: Brush your teeth and use a minty mouthwash. Be sure to brush your tongue as well, as a lot of taste particles can linger there.
  5. Coffee: While it may not neutralize the taste, coffee has a strong flavour that can mask the aniseed flavor. Be aware though, it might not be a pleasant mix for everyone.
  6. Eat Bland Foods*: Foods like rice or bread can help dilute the taste in your mouth.

Remember, the sense of taste is subjective and different methods might work better for different people. You may need to experiment to find the method that works best for you.

How, in Indian Cuisine and Culture, do they handle their hot food - I've heard of a kind of yoghurt?

Yes, you're absolutely correct! Indian cuisine is rich and diverse, and it's known for its bold and spicy flavours. To manage and counteract the heat of these dishes, a number of cooling elements are often incorporated into meals.

Here are some of the common ways:

Yogurt/Dahi*: This is a staple in Indian households. It is often served on the side or used in the preparation of various dishes to offset the heat. Raita, a side dish made from yogurt, often with grated cucumbers, tomatoes, or other vegetables and mild spices mixed in, is also frequently served with spicy meals.

Lassi*: This is a traditional Indian yogurt-based drink. It's often flavoured with spices like cumin or sweetened with sugar or fruits like mango. A cold lassi can provide a cooling counterpoint to a spicy meal.

Ghee (Clarified Butter): Ghee is another commonly used ingredient in Indian cooking. It not only enhances the flavour of the dish, but the fat content also helps to cut the heat.

Breads*: Indian breads such as naan, roti, or paratha are often served with meals. These can be used to scoop up food and they also help to moderate the heat of the dishes.

Rice*: Like bread, rice is a staple in many Indian meals. It not only fills you up, but it also helps to balance the heat and richness of many Indian dishes.

Cooling Herbs and Spices*: Certain herbs and spices, like Mint* and fennel, have cooling properties and are often incorporated into or served alongside meals.

Achaar (Pickles) and Chutneys: While these can be spicy, they can also contain sweet or tangy elements (like tamarind chutney or mango pickle) that can provide a balance to the heat.

Sweet Desserts*: Desserts or sweet dishes often follow a meal, which can help to counteract lingering spiciness and cool the palate.

It's all about achieving a balance of flavours and sensations in the meal, and these cooling elements help to do that.

* = Common in both Eastern and Western Cultures


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