Thoughts> Why do cats have what are commonly called "mad hours," when they go crazy and run around at top speed like rockets?

This behaviour is often also called the "zoomies," and it's quite common in cats.

The exact reason why cats have these bursts of energy is not entirely clear, but there are a few theories.

One theory is that these sudden bursts of activity are simply a way for cats to burn off excess energy. Cats are natural hunters and are designed to be active and agile. When they don't have an outlet for their energy, they may become restless and antsy, leading to these bursts of activity.

Another theory is that the zoomies are a way for cats to practice their hunting skills. In the wild, cats would have to be able to move quickly and stealthily to catch their prey. By running around at top speed, cats may be practicing their hunting techniques.

Lastly, it's also possible that the zoomies are simply a result of pent-up excitement or anxiety. Cats are sensitive animals and can become overwhelmed by changes in their environment or routine. The zoomies may be a way for them to release that tension and blow off steam.

Overall, the exact reason why cats have these bursts of energy is not entirely clear, but it's likely a combination of factors, including a need for exercise, a desire to practice hunting skills, and a way to release pent-up tension or anxiety.


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