Bella sat on the windowsill, staring intently at Billy, the bright yellow parakeet, as he played in his cage. Her eyes followed his every move, watching as he hopped from perch to perch and chirped happily.

Scott couldn't help but notice the intensity of Bella's gaze. Although he knew that Bella and Billy had developed a friendly relationship, he couldn't help but wonder if Bella was secretly plotting to make a meal out of the unsuspecting bird.

"Bella, leave Billy alone," Scott said, noticing that Bella's predatory stare was making Billy uneasy.

Bella didn't move, her eyes still fixed on the bird. Scott knew that Bella was a natural hunter and had a strong prey drive, but he had hoped that she would be able to control herself around Billy.

He got up from his desk and approached Bella, hoping to distract her from her bird-watching duties. He scratched her behind the ears and tried to lure her away with a toy, but she remained fixated on Billy.

Scott couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. He had brought Bella into his home without thinking about how her predatory instincts might affect the other animals in the house. He had assumed that Bella and Billy would be able to coexist peacefully, but now he wasn't so sure.

As he watched Bella, Scott couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to train her to ignore her prey drive when it came to Billy. He knew that it would be a challenge, but he was determined to find a way to keep both Bella and Billy safe and happy.

For now, though, Scott resigned himself to keeping a close eye on Bella whenever she was in the same room as Billy. He knew that her predatory gaze was a sign that she was a natural hunter, but he couldn't help but worry about what might happen if he let his guard down.

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