Scott had always been a cat person, but when he met Christel, he never expected her to share his love for felines. It was one of the things that drew them closer, and soon they were inseparable. 

However, with Christel's busy schedule, Scott found himself spending more time with their cat, Bella.

Bella was a beautiful black cat with piercing green eyes. She was fiercely independent and would often disappear for hours on end, causing Scott to worry. But as time went on, he started to develop a sixth sense for knowing where she was at any given moment.

It became a running joke between Scott and Christel, with each of them trying to outdo the other in their ability to locate Bella. At times it could be a source of friendly competition, with each of them trying to guess where she was hiding or what she was up to.

But at other times, it could be a source of worry. When Bella would disappear for long periods of time, both Scott and Christel would become anxious, wondering if she was safe and if they needed to go out and search for her.

Despite the occasional stress that Bella caused them, Scott and Christel loved her dearly. She was a constant source of entertainment and amusement, and they couldn't imagine their lives without her.

One evening, after a long day at work, Scott settled onto the couch next to Christel. They had planned to watch a movie, but before they started, Scott pulled out his phone and opened the app that connected to the various cameras they had set up around their apartment.

"What are you doing?" Christel asked, looking over at him. "I just want to make sure Bella's okay," Scott said, scrolling through the camera feeds.

Christel rolled her eyes. "You're obsessed," she teased.

Scott laughed. "I just like to know where she is. It makes me feel better."

Christel leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "I know," she said. "I'm glad you take such good care of her."

As they settled in to watch their movie, Scott kept one eye on the camera feeds, occasionally glancing over at Christel and smiling. He knew that their shared love for Bella was just one of the many things that made their relationship so special.

In the end, it didn't matter who was better at locating Bella or who won the occasional competition. 

What mattered was that they both cared deeply for her and for each other. And as they sat on the couch, watching Bella sleeping soundly on her favourite perch, they both knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be.

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