It was a warm summer day, and Scott decided to take Bella and Billy outside to enjoy the fresh air. He set up a small table and chairs on the balcony and sat down to enjoy a cold glass of lemonade.

Bella and Billy were fascinated by the world outside their apartment, chirping and meowing at every little thing. Scott was enjoying the peace and quiet, until he heard a loud squawk.

He turned around to see Billy flapping his wings frantically, trying to escape from his cage. Scott quickly got up and rushed over to the bird, but it was too late. Billy had managed to open the latch on his cage and was flying away.Scott and Bella watched in horror as Billy flew higher and higher, until he was just a small speck in the sky. They knew they had to act fast, so they rushed down to the street to try and find him.

After searching for what felt like hours, they finally spotted Billy perched on top of a nearby tree. Scott tried to climb up to retrieve him, but the tree was too tall and too slippery. Bella was no help either, as she just sat on the ground and meowed anxiously.

Just as they were about to give up hope, a group of children walked by and spotted the bird. They immediately ran over and started throwing stones at the tree, trying to knock Billy down.

Scott and Bella were horrified, but before they could do anything, Billy managed to fly down and land on Scott's shoulder. The group of children scattered, and Scott quickly scooped up the bird and rushed back inside.

Bella sat on the couch, staring in amazement as Scott and Billy entered the room.

She knew she would never underestimate the little bird again.

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