As Scott sat down to write, he heard a commotion coming from the living room. He got up from his desk and walked over to see what was going on.

There, he saw Bella perched on top of Billy's cage, her eyes fixed on the budgie inside. Billy seemed to be chirping nervously, and Scott could tell that Bella was getting a little too close for comfort.

"Bella, no!" Scott said, rushing over to shoo her away from the cage. "You know you can't eat Billy!"Bella hopped down from the cage and walked away, seemingly uninterested in Billy for the time being. But Scott knew that he couldn't let his guard down. Bella had always been fascinated with the bird, and he didn't want to take any chances.

He decided to move Billy's cage to a higher shelf, out of Bella's reach. It took a bit of manoeuvring, but he eventually got the cage set up in its new location. Billy seemed to like his new perch, chirping happily as Scott stepped back to admire his handiwork.

But Bella wasn't giving up that easily. Scott watched as she jumped up onto the shelf and started batting at the cage with her paw, trying to knock it over."Stop it, Bella!" Scott scolded, rushing over to shoo her away once again.

But as he turned back to the cage, he realised that Billy was no longer inside. Panic set in as he scanned the room, trying to figure out where the bird could have gone.

And then he saw it - a flash of yellow feathers disappearing behind the bookcase. Scott rushed over and peered behind the books, relieved to see Billy sitting there unharmed.

But as he reached in to pick the bird up, he realised that Billy's wing was injured. He must have hurt it when he flew off the shelf in a panic.

Scott felt terrible. He knew that he should have been more careful with Billy, and now the bird was hurt because of his negligence.

He scooped Billy up gently and took him to the vet, where the bird was treated for his injured wing. The vet assured Scott that Billy would be fine, but Scott couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that he carried with him.

As he drove home with Billy perched on his shoulder, Scott knew that he would have to be more careful in the future. He couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to his beloved pets.But as he walked into the house, he saw Bella perched on top of the bookcase, eyeing Billy with a hunger in her eyes.

Scott knew that he had his work cut out for him.

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