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'Scott and Bella Cook Up a Storm in Scott’s Kitchen Blogs'

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Scott's Kitchen

Below is the last blog from Scott’s Kitchen…


Hello, readers!

It’s Scott here, and today I want to share with you a cooking mishap that turned into a mindbogglingly ironic experience.

I was making my usual corned beef chilli recipe, but this time, I decided to add a new twist by incorporating black tea into the mix. The recipe called for 100 ml of black tea, but I accidentally tipped in a whole mug of tea instead.

At first, I didn’t realise my mistake, but as I stirred the mixture, I noticed that it was much too watery. It was then that I realised my error – instead of 100 ml of tea, I had added around 350 ml.

I had to quickly adapt my recipe and reduce the mixture to make up for the excess tea. This ended up taking much longer than expected, and by the time the chilli was done, it had turned into a thick, paste-like consistency.

To make matters worse, when I put the leftover chilli in the fridge, it ended up turning even more solid and needed to be hydrated when reheating it to eat with machine-cooked rice.

The ironic part? The tea-infused chilli that I had spent so much time and effort on turned out to be just okay, not nearly as good as the original recipe. I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of it all.

Lesson learned – always measure ingredients carefully and double-check your recipes, especially when trying out new twists.

That’s all for today’s blog. 

I hope my tea-infused chilli mishap has given you a chuckle and a helpful reminder to be cautious in the kitchen.

Until next time,


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