Billy the Budgie was feeling brave today. He perched himself on his favourite spot in his tall black cage, which gave him a perfect view of the kitchen. He knew Bella the Cat was lurking around, eyeing him up as a potential snack. But Billy didn't care. He was feeling daring.

He watched as Bella lazily licked her paw, clearly not in a hurry to finish her bowl of beef liver gourmet mousse. Billy snickered to himself. He had already spied from his vantage point that Bella hadn't even touched her food yet.

Feeling more emboldened, Billy turned his back to Bella and started to preen his feathers. He could hear her paw steps getting closer, but he didn't care. He was in a rebellious mood today.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp tug on his tail feathers. Billy squawked in alarm and spun around to see Bella with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing, Bella?" Billy demanded, fluffing up his feathers in indignation.

Bella just smirked and started to walk away, as if nothing had happened. Billy watched her go, his heart racing with adrenaline.

He realised then that he may have pushed his luck a little too far. Bella may have been lazy, but she was still a cat. And he was still a budgie, a potential snack.

As he settled back down on his perch, Billy couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Maybe he wasn't as daring as he thought he was. But at least he was alive to tell the tale.

From that day forward, Billy made sure to keep a watchful eye on Bella, always aware of her potential for mischief.

And he never turned his back on her again.

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