Scott had always been a fan of rice, and he used it in many of his meals. So, when he went to the store to buy a new bag of rice, he thought he knew exactly what to look for. He found the rice section and picked up a bag of rice that looked like the one he always bought.

It wasn't until he got home and started cooking that he realized something was wrong. The rice seemed to be cooking much faster than usual, and it was getting mushy. Scott looked at the bag and realised that he had accidentally bought four kilograms of "easy cook" rice instead of his usual long grain rice.

At first, Scott was annoyed with himself for making such a silly mistake. But as he started to experiment with the new rice, he realized that it had its own unique texture and flavor. It was fluffier and stickier than regular rice, which made it perfect for dishes like stir-fries and sushi.

Scott was delighted to discover that he could use the easy cook rice in his automatic rice cooker, which made cooking rice even easier. He started experimenting with different recipes, using the easy cook rice as a substitute for regular rice.

One of his favorite dishes was a Korean-style bibimbap, made with beef, vegetables, and a fried egg on top. The sticky texture of the easy cook rice was perfect for the dish, and Scott found himself making it more and more often.

Despite his initial annoyance with himself for buying the wrong rice, Scott was thrilled with the discovery of the easy cook rice. It had opened up a whole new world of cooking possibilities, and he couldn't wait to try out new recipes with it.

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