Hello, readers!

It's Bella here, and I have an update on the mysterious case of the disappearing treats.

After days of investigation and surveillance, I finally caught the thief in the act - it was none other than... drumroll... the pesky neighbourhood squirrel!

Yes, that's right. This little rodent had been sneaking into our flat through the open windows and stealing my treats and toys. I watched in horror as he scurried off with one of my favorite mice toys in his mouth.

I immediately alerted Scott to the situation, and he took action. He installed screens on all of the windows to prevent any further break-ins, and he set up a humane trap to catch the squirrel and relocate him to a more suitable outdoor location.

As for me, I'm relieved to finally have solved the mystery. I can enjoy my treats and toys in peace, knowing that they're safe from the thieving paws of the squirrel.

But I have to admit, there's a small part of me that's impressed by the squirrel's cunning. Maybe he would have made a good detective, if he hadn't chosen a life of crime.

That's all for today's blog. I hope my musings on the mysterious case of the disappearing treats have been entertaining and satisfyingly solved for my fellow feline friends.

Until next time,


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