Snuff: Why could it be that some snuff, I think the most moist and finely ground variety - almost feel like they are dissolving on your taste-buds even though you have inhaled it?

The sensation you describe could be due to the texture and moisture content of the snuff. When snuff is finely ground and moist, it can have a more powdery texture that can dissolve easily on the tongue or in the nasal passages. This can result in a stronger taste and sensation, as the snuff particles come into direct contact with the taste buds and nerve endings.

Additionally, some varieties of snuff may contain flavourings or additives that enhance the sensation of the snuff, such as menthol or other aromatic compounds. These additives can contribute to the overall taste and experience of using snuff.

It's also worth noting that individual differences in physiology and personal preference can play a role in how snuff is experienced. Some people may be more sensitive to certain textures or flavours, while others may find that different types of snuff produce different effects.

Ultimately, the experience of using snuff is highly subjective, and the specific factors that contribute to the sensation you describe may vary depending on the particular type of snuff you are using and your own personal experience and preferences.

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