Darts: Do dart players place their darts where they land or rather aim to get their darts where they land or even, do darts land where they should go compared to do darts land where they were aimed?

In general, dart players aim to get their darts where they want them to go, rather than just letting them land wherever they happen to land. Skilled dart players will use a combination of techniques, including their grip on the dart, their stance, their throwing motion, and their aim, to try to control where the dart lands on the dartboard.

However, it's worth noting that darts can sometimes land in unexpected places, even for the most skilled players. Factors like the shape of the dartboard, the texture of the dartboard surface, and even the air currents in the room can all affect the trajectory of the dart and cause it to land in a slightly different spot than intended.

Additionally, some players may intentionally aim for specific parts of the dartboard depending on the game they are playing. For example, in the game of cricket, players may aim for specific numbers in order to close them out and score points.

Overall, while skilled dart players do their best to aim their darts where they want them to go, there is always an element of unpredictability when it comes to the final resting place of the dart.



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