Hello, readers!

It's Bella here, and today I want to talk about something that's been on my mind lately - why does Scott love his laptop more than me?

Don't get me wrong, I love Scott to bits. He's my human, my companion, and my best friend. But sometimes, I can't help but feel a little bit jealous of that shiny, glowing screen that seems to have his undivided attention.

I'll be napping on his lap, enjoying some quality cuddle time, when suddenly he'll start typing away on that infernal machine. He'll ignore my plaintive meows and distractedly stroke my fur while his eyes remain glued to the screen.

I've tried everything to get his attention - batting at his hands, jumping on the keyboard, even knocking the laptop off his lap (sorry, Scott!). But nothing seems to work.

I know that Scott has important work to do on his laptop. He's a writer, after all, and I know that his stories are important to him. But sometimes, I just wish that he would put down that laptop and focus on me for a while.

After all, I'm the one who's always there for him - cuddling him when he's sad, purring to soothe him when he's stressed, and providing endless entertainment with my playful antics.

So, Scott, if you're reading this, please remember that your furry companion needs attention too. Put down that laptop once in a while and give me a scratch behind the ears, or a belly rub, or even just a few minutes of quality cuddle time. Trust me, it will make both of us happier in the long run.

That's all for today's blog.

I hope my musings on Scott's laptop obsession have been amusing and relatable to my fellow feline friends.

Until next time,


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