Patrons of The Bog & Brush - Steve Dixen

Patrons of The Bog & Brush - Steve Dixen

Patrons of The Bog & Brush are watching a GB Views report from Steve Dixen on TV and discussing a rumour about him being high from vaping medical cannabis:

The patrons of The Bog & Brush were gathered around the TV, watching a report from GB Views news anchor Steve Dixen. But as the report went on, whispers started circulating around the room about a rumour involving Vixen.

"I heard he drove to the studio high as a kite," said one patron, who claimed to have a friend who worked at GB Views.

"High on what?" asked another patron.

"Medical cannabis," replied the first patron. "He's been vaping it, apparently."

The rumour spread like wildfire, with everyone in the pub chiming in with their own take on the story. Some claimed that they had seen Dixen's eyes looking extra red on TV, while others suggested that his awkward demeanour was a clear sign of intoxication.

But amidst all the gossip, one patron stood out as the voice of reason.

"Come on, guys, let's be real," said the patron, who claimed to have some experience with medical cannabis. "There's no way you could drive all the way from Milton Keynes to London high on that stuff. It just doesn't work like that."

Despite the sceptic's protests, the rumour continued to spread, with patrons coming up with wild theories about what Dixen was really up to. Some suggested that he was trying to break the stigma around medical cannabis by openly vaping on live TV, while others claimed that he was simply trying to spice up his otherwise dull news reports.

As the night wore on, the patrons of The Bog & Brush continued to speculate about the truth behind the Vixen rumour.

But whether it was true or not, one thing was for sure: it made for some entertaining conversation at the pub.

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