Staff at The Bog & Brush - Steve Dixen

Staff at The Bog & Brush - Steve Dixen

As the patrons of The Bog & Brush continued to speculate about the latest GB Views news anchor rumours, the kitchen staff were eavesdropping on the conversation with amusement.

"Did you hear about Steve Dixen?" said one patron. "He's been vaping medical cannabis on his commute to work."

The kitchen staff exchanged knowing glances, aware that they were privy to information that the patrons were not.

"Sounds like a load of bollocks to me," said one of the chefs. "But you never know with those news people."

Over in the restaurant, the waitstaff were also gossiping about the latest news from The Bog & Brush.

"I heard they're starting a satirical magazine about GB Views," said one of the servers. "Can you imagine?"

The other servers laughed and shook their heads, but secretly they were intrigued by the idea. It was like listening to secrets that no one else knew, and it made their workday a little more interesting.

And so, the rumours and gossip of The Bog & Brush spread throughout the pub, from the patrons at the bar to the staff in the kitchen and restaurant. It was like a game of telephone, with each person adding their own spin to the story.

But no matter how outlandish the rumours became, one thing was for sure: The Bog & Brush was never a dull place to be.


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